Wednesday 21 October 2015

The Ultimate Shortcut to Heaven

I was on my way for Kayaking the past weekend when I came across few gentlemen(of all age groups) riding their bikes towards a Blood Donation camp, One kid probably missed and was desperately looking for someone to give him a lift, I stopped by and asked the young lad to hop on and dropped him at the camp.

It din't take me long to realize that the White shirt, Khadi trousers wearing people belonged to RSS or Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. 
"So how long since you are with the Shakha?", I asked out of curiosity.
" Around 8 months, he replied".. "My father asked me to join them", he replied in his innocent tone.
"That's nice, So what do you do at the Shakha's?', I asked him continuing the conversation.

"We meet at the local community center and they teach us Vyayam and Yoga and we sometimes volunteer for social causes" he said while being totally distracted during the conversation.

Finally we reached the camp and the kid got down, i asked the kid his name and he replied "Munna", i asked him for his real name and he replied "Basheer.. Sheikh", my jaws had dropped when i asked him "You are a Muslim?'(Something I've never asked anyone, coz it really never bothered or mattered). He was like "Haan", still distracted and eager to join his comrades, I told him i'll give him a chocolate if he answered my questions, he denied talking to a stranger and told me "I have to go, my Abbu is waiting" and ran away.

It took me few minutes to come out of the thought and I researched about it, Yes RSS is the world's largest voluntary organization(50 Lakh Volunteers) and Yes it had a Muslim Rashtriya Manch - a wing for muslims who lived on Nationalist Ideals. Considering the recent set of events ranging from Dadri lynching to Anti-Beef activists death to politicians condemning it or provoking it. I thought to myself, "What could go wrong with a 90 year old organization that fought against the British, Volunteered during 1962, 1965 and 1971 War, organized and rescued people during so many natural calamities". What could go wrong with people blaming the RSS so much so that it is compared to Taliban?. I even remember my grandfather telling me "Had there not been RSS in India, lot of Hindus and Sikh families would have never made it to India during Partition".

I remembered a conversation with a Muslim friend, a mentor and a dear friend after being 180 ml down. It seemed rational and from someone who was well educated,  was doing his Ph.d then.
"What has the government done for us?' he asked slightly typsy after his last glass.
"Yes, the quota system has ruined us", i said with my glass of Lime Mojito(My regular drink).
"No, for us Muslims, what has the government done for us?" he asked.
"Why are you talking like Owaisi's!! I think you should stop drinking now", i told him taking his glass away.
"No!! I have not had a single benefit of being in this country", he exclaimed with the alcohol levels rising in his blood.
"Tho meri kaunsi Aarti Utari hai P.M ne?, I've had the same benefits as you", i spoke.
"Isse acha tho mai Saudi ya Dubai hi chala jaata!!, at least Paisa and Zaat tho hothi", he exclaimed down with 240 ml now.
I dint truly understand what he was saying and he passed out, while i dropped him back home. I later learnt from him that some Maulana had come to his place to revive his faith and preached him on being Pious.

The two instances stated show 2 sides of the same coin, Are we 125 crore Democratic Republic Indians who have survived years of Foreign rule just to end up fighting each other over "Beef"??. Why should every speech on Hinduism or Islam start with "We are in Danger" or "Kayamat aane wali hai??", I might not know much about religions but I know Judgement day won't come because of God's fault or God's wrath but because of You and Me.
And I'm definitely sure God doesn't allow killers in Vaikunth, Swarg, Jannat or Heaven

Thursday 8 October 2015

Secret Confessions of a Smart Modi-Hating Secularist

I don't care if the Indian Economy grew by 7.3% in 2015 and  Rs. 3770 crores of Black Money was brought back into India or 2.45 Lakh Jobs were created in the Past year or some stupid Index called "Inflation" (CPI) came down to 4.37%.

FDI inflow might have increased to $44.9 Billion (up by 24.5%) but that is only because Modi keeps visiting countries and taking selfies. What is this "Swach Bharat", "Digital India", "Make in India", "Beti Bachao", "Jan Dhan Yojana", nothing works, I dint even take that crappy "LPG Subsidy", in spite of some 10 Lakh families going for it.

 Where are the "Acche Din"??  All I see is the nation in turmoil, Bans everyday, riots everywhere. I am never going to vote for Modi because

1) Modi banned Maggi

So what if Maggi had higher levels of Lead and MSG(Mono-Sodium Glutamate) content and was considered harmful by the Food Safety Authority of India(FSAI), Modi and Right wing activists banned Maggi.

2) Modi banned Beef in India

So what if a 20 year old Bill passes in Maharashtra banning Cow slaughter and its products, though I have Buffalo, Ox and Bull Meat I shall still not vote for Modi, because Hindu Zionists banned Beef, Though I am smart enough to differentiate between Cow meat and other Bovine meats, it is against my Fundamental Rights. And What if more than Half this Country revers  Cow as their Mother because Cow Milk is equated to a Mother feeding her baby, Beef is my Fundamental right and I can't adjust on Buffalo, Ox or Bull Meat instead.

3) Modi banned Porn because he is single

So what it was a meager step to control Illegal Child Pornography in India, watching Porn is my fundamental right, So what if 37% of the 90 Million websites in the world are Porn websites, I want those 857 URL's to be unblocked in India, though most of the websites i generally visit are working fine it affects my fundamental right to free will.

4) Modi Banned Meat in Mumbai

Even Jains have joined the Hindu-Zionist Band wagon and want meat banned for 4 days.. Imagine 4 days of my life without Meat!!! So what if mid-day meals are banned in Kerala during Ramzan because Muslim kids would find hindrance in fasting, this is India, not a developed European country where such a ban could be considered on Environmental and Conversational Grounds. Paryushan is for Jains to follow absolute abstinence as much as possible in order to clean their mind and body of negative thoughts, not for me, its my fundamental right.

This is what a 4 day non consecutive meat ban could do to me

5) Modi and Hindu Zionists conspire to Kill Beef Eaters

One gentleman Mohammed Ikhlakh lost his life because a mob of 120 armed men stormed his house only after hearing calls over the temple loudspeaker, his Zionist Hindu neighbors tried to save him but couldn't save him and his son was brutally injured. His elder son Mohammed Taj called for politicians to stop politicizing his father's death , maintain harmony and even asked politicians not to visit them but politicians showered lakhs of rupees to garner vote-bank politics and kept giving provocative speeches like "I've eaten Beef, do what you can!", instead of feeling sorry for the gentleman and his family, I shall blame Modi over the incident.

6) Modi did Gujarat riots 2002:

This is my forte, I shall use this forever against him just because he started off as a Swayam Sevak. So what if in the below video telecast-ed just after the riots he says, Anyone who breaks the Law and order situation shall be punished and anyone who dreams of committing such a Heinous crime shall be punished, Modi did Godhra riots and Maya Kodnani case was just a Gimmick to cover up things. Smart you see.

7) International Yoga Day, Salman Khan Verdict, Yacub Memon Hanging, 7/11 Accused hanging are Hindutva Motivated Ideologies and acts :

"Forcing" me to do Yoga was a grave act in democracy, though 20 crore people world-wide participated, I din't do it but I ensured i comment on it and call it Right-Wing Motivated.

Salman Khan a.k.a Bhai was only targeted because he was a Muslim and Modi did it.

Yacub Memon was an innocent Chartered Accountant who din't know where his money was being invested, I wish to believe his wife's story rather than the Supreme Court's story because that's how masala movies are.

All these reasons have strengthened my angst towards Modi and I will only vote for a Leader in the  next elections who believes in Increasing Quota as his Election winning agenda, wears a skull cap to appease minorities or provides free subsidy schemes to increase the Government's debts. That's how Politics and Politicians should be in India.

Monday 28 September 2015

When the World goes "Tel Lene"

As a 10 year old i was a die-hard John Rambo fan, i always thought War was one-man game where the Hero pumps bullets, rescues the innocent, wins over the girl and eventually saves the day for the world.

I witnessed the Afghanistan War(War on Terror), Iraq War, Libyan War, Donbass War (War in Ukraine), ISIS war and it has made me think over n over. If you see in every case there is one bad guy who was good once upon a time and was accepted by the people, but then he turned rogue, committed Mass killings, torture, rape till one NATO country(US Led or Ally led) jumps in, kills the rogue and saves the day just like John Rambo.

This was till I observed this map recently

The above map is of the OPEC or Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, a list of 12 countries which have 81% of the worlds proven oil reserves,with middle east amounting 66% of the OPEC total.

Now Petrol or Crude Oil controls economies, the higher the price of petrol, the higher the costs of transport incurred eventually leading to rise in prices of basic commodities, that's the reason Petroleum is called "Black Gold" and a change in crude oil price fluctuates stock markets and economies likewise.

Coming to the map, a question comes up, What binds all these 12 countries in the world?, No culture, religion, politics or military aid binds them all, but then there is one common thread that runs through all of them that is Each of them is either a U.S ally or at War with U.S or under an ongoing conflict within itself.

KUWAIT : In 1990, Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait its relatively smaller and richer neighbor over oil-pricing issues, in retaliation Kuwaiti Government paid $60 Billion to the U.S led coalition to help it overthrow Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Uncle Sam readily did so and since then Kuwait has great political relations with U.S.A

U.A.E : There is no question about the friendship between U.S.A and U.A.E, Dubai has huge U.S and western investments which led to its growth in the past 10-15 years. In 2009 U.S signed a bilateral deal which for peaceful nuclear cooperation in U.A.E, it is also a major supplier of Arms and ammunition for the U.A.E army.

IRAQ : In 1970's and 80's Saddam was shown as a good guy by the western media, till he went rogue fighting with Iran, Kuwait and eventually expelled post 2003 Iraq War. Iraq's economy today stands at adverse conditions with its Iraqi Dinar 17 times lower than the Indian Rupee today. Baghdad was once called the "Paris of the Middle East" while today it stands as a extremist infested nation, Vice President of Iraq Nouri Al-Maliki had openly accused the United States of using ISIS as a pretext to maintain its military presence in Iraq

IRAN : U.S and E.U has placed unprecedented Trade sanctions on Iran since 2006, it is said that if the sanctions against Iran are removed crude oil prices could go down by 10% but that I am personally sure would not happen so soon. Iran's economy has been plagued by the sanctions and will keep doing so till it doesn't come out clean on its Nuclear weapons.

SAUDI ARABIA: The Ultra-Conservative Islamic Monarchy made a $60.5 Billion arms purchase, the biggest ever in American History. KSA has always been an important ally to the U.S.A and relations never got affected despite the fact that Osama belonged to the Royal Saudi family and the fact that there are 5000 U.S troops stationed in Saudi since 1993, which increased to 10,000 in 2003. King Abdullah shared a great rapport with U.S.A with King Salman expected of carrying it forward.

QATAR: Though not a great Ally compared to others mentioned here, In 1992, Qatar had built intimate military ties with the United States, and is now the location of U.S. Central Command’s Forward Headquarters and the Combined Air Operations Center.In 2014, the United States sold $11 billion worth of arms to Qatar, including AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, Patriot and Javelin systems. U.S thus has two strong military bases in Qatar.

LIBYA: The story of Muammar Gaddafi is not much different compared to Saddam Hussain, Gaddafi was portrayed a bad guy initially because he nationalized oil exporting companies in 1970's, then a good guy just because he signed the International Atomic Energy Agency protocol and then a rogue again when the Libiyan Civil war erupted and the U.S.A helped Libiya overthrow Gaddafi.

NIGERIA: The U.S.A shared great ties with Nigeria which is a predominantly Christian country till Boko Haram caused problems in Nigeria. The U.S.A under its "Leahy Law" does not sells arms to Nigeria for reasons pertaining to Human Rights Violations but interestingly last month the U.S.A lift the ban and is ready to supply arms and ammunition to help Nigeria fight Boko-Haram.

All in all the same story runs in case of Hugo Chavez for Venezuela, and relatively similar stories in cases of Angola, Algeria and Ecuador who buy heavily from the U.S.

To sum it up I call these the "Petrol Wars" which are not meant to rescue a country from a dictator or control Nuclear War heads or rescue civilians from Barbaric acts but with a mission to improve sale of arms, increase trade relations, fluctuate crude oil prices or destroy economies. 

All this has made me realize the "silly me" as a kid, who thought wars stood for truth to prevail and death of the "Ugly Guy".

Monday 21 September 2015

The Little Boy who slept in the Sea!!

For those not aware of world news, this Tragic image is of a 3 year old Syrian boy who drowned along with his family while crossing the Mediterranean Sea.

To give a certain background of the story, this boy is Aylan Kurdi and just like the 40,00,000 Syrians and 30,00,000 Iraqis was affected by the ISIS, he lost his home and along with his brother Galip, mother Rehan and father Abdullah was trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea from Turkey to Greece when the boat carrying the refugees tilted killing most of the people on board.

Now the reason this accident occurred was simple, the boat which could take 800 passengers was loaded with 2500 passengers, each having paid 3000-4000 Euros when on a normal day they would charge not more than 600 Euros per person. Honestly I had goosebumps when I saw this Image and couldn't stop thinking the horrors they might have faced and then I thought, Whose fault is it?

ISIS must have bombed the Kid's house, Turkey denied him refugee visa, Greece is going through a financial crisis but tried its level best to help, the boy's family had plans to go to Germany which has already taken 1.6 million refugees, the Middle East blames the U.S, U.S says Assad's downfall led to the creation of ISIS. Middle East blames the West, West says we are doing enough, what have you done?, and the Little boy had no clue what happened.

The problem lies in an Ideology, Mahatma Gandhi had stated An eye for an eye would leave the whole world blind, ISIS has been a creation of Extremism which cannot be blamed on the United States, that's just like suing Royal Enfield because you got caught by the cops for Drunken Driving. The Middle East OPEC nations and the Muslim Brotherhood showed how hypocrite they are by showing zero or minimal support to the refugees. So you are telling me Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran which are easily accessible from Syria and Iraq can't take refugees but Germany, Austria, Netherlands, U.K and Australia are being criticized just because they are not able to take enough immigrants after collectively allowing 2.5 Million immigrants collectively. The whole scenario might just be a political ideology combined with Racism but it all boils down to few simple things in Life.

The World today is moving forward, we can make a 3-D printed heart today but we also made the Dirty Bombs of Bulgaria and Chernobyl, and it all boils down to the fact that If one's mind had peace, the whole world would appear peaceful..

"Supreme Lord, let there be peace in the sky and in the atmosphere. Let there be peace in the plant world and in the forests. Let the cosmic powers be peaceful. Let the Man the true essence and source of life be peaceful.Let there be undiluted and fulfilling peace everywhere.

– Prayer from the Atharva Veda,

Thursday 17 September 2015

The Reverse Proxy-War

July 2008 :

Location : Qala Iktyaruddin, Herat, Afghanistan.
"But that's a suicide mission and we can't afford to expose this to the world", exclaimed Arup Sinha, Chief Head, Office of Special Operations, RAW.

"The media has become rampant and people have started believing this new menace called WikiLeaks which has few of our classified information." he further added. The Wikileaks website claims India under RAW has 12 training camps in Balochistan province in Pakistan which trains the Akbar Bugti led Balochistan Liberation Front(BLF) which wants separation from Pakistan, although India has denied any involvement in it.

"Listen Arup!!, times have changed, this is not your open field Kargil War, its a proxy War", said Nabiullah Stanikzai, Director, Khadamat-e Aetla'at-e Dawlat or Khad, the main security and intelligence agency of Afghanistan. 

"Both of us know who the enemy is and what the enemy is capable of, the blast outside the Indian Embassy in Kabul yesterday killed one of your best cadets, not to forget Brigadier Rajiv Datta. You have to realize it was aimed at Indian interests in Afghanistan, we have to answer it back and that can only happen through mutual co-operation".

"Our governments are working hard to rebuild Afghan land, we can't allow ISI backed interests ruin it for our countries" he exclaimed in his strong voice with a hint of Dari accent in his tone.

"Mujh par Bharosa Rakho Arup!!", he said with his hands on Arup Sinha's shoulder while Arup smiled. Nabi Stanikzai like Hamid Karzai had completed his Masters from Punjab University and had managed to learn few bits of Hindi during his stint in India. He had also visited India several times during Afghanistan army's training sessions with India.

"India is like a inseparable brother for us and we can't let the fanatics take over our country again" Nabiullah told while both the heads exchanged honorary salutes and parted ways.

Arup Sinha and his team were given one part of the Historic Herat fort to run operations in Afghanistan since 2 months. The ISI along with selective interests within Taliban and Indian Mujaheddin had for years had a proxy war with India. Pakistan had mastered this art while training under U.S against Soviet Union, this art involved using Sleeper cells, tools like diplomacy, media, spokespersons to cover its activities. Almost every year since 2002 when the War on Terror led by U.S had started, Indian Mujaheddin had fastened its activities in India, almost 4-5 blasts took place each year in various parts of India and the only answer for India was compensation to Blast victims, peace marches, blame game or political diplomacy. Indian politicians were scared to take a stand citing breaking of communal harmony within the country.

Arup Sinha stood at the huge window with a smoke in his hand, overlooking the scenic mountains of Herat, this historic fort had seen several great wars and successions including the accession by Hari Singh Nalwa as part of Sikh Empire and Raghunath Rao under the Maratha Empire. This beautiful fort had seen everything from the Ghaznavids, Durrani's to the Soviets.

"We need a man Yaksh, familiar with this territory, undetectable, most of all some one who is up for it" he exclaimed to his joint secretary Yaksh Desai.

Meanwhile somewhere in the town of Nuhay in Badakshan province of Afghanistan a sniper lay his eyes on a few miscreants. Intelligence reports on the previous day had stated that there were chances of a suicide bomber mission on that day and the United Nations Peace Keeping Force had been deployed with the task of peace operations in the region.

The sniper lay on an old abandoned building in the center of the town with a complete view of its surroundings, the refugee camp was about 800 yards from this building while the city market was about 650 yards from the building. Four snipers from UNPKF lay eye on the complete view of the town, they had orders to inform anything highly suspicious to the nearest patrol team. 2 of the snipers belonged to the Indian army while Adjuant Jean Morrilon was from the French 23rd artillery and Sub-lieutenant Bernard Mckenize  was from the Royal Canadian Artillery.

"Hey Jean!! I had one of your Baguette breads this morning", the indian soldier spoke to Jean with his aim still scrutinizing his direction.

"Did you like it?" asked Jean in his strong french accent.

"It dint smell bad for a change", the Indian soldier laughed.

"French people are so hardcore they Eat pain for breakfast my friend", exclaimed Jean.

Out of no where a police pickup truck zoomed past the refugee camp, speeding right past the camp it tried to enter the camp gate and in this process killed 2 security guards at the entrance gates. The 5 miscreants started running towards the camp which had housed several doctors, volunteers, soldiers apart from the refugees.

The Indian soldier by now realized the critical nature of the situation and there was no time to call the patrol team, the targets were about 900 yards away and running, citing the urgency of the situation and calculating all the aspects he fired his first shot, aiming 8 feet away from the first insurgent's target which hit right on his shoulder, the second target was shot on his hip the next second, while the third target hit the head. Within 5 seconds 3 insurgents had been laid to rest while the other 2 hid themselves behind a pillar and a wall obstructing his target. He committed one mistake which can lead to a sniper being killed, having multiple shots from the same location which leads to bringing the aimer's position out.

The other two suspects panicked at the sight of their comrade falling dead, and intercepting the aimer's position hid themselves, one behind an old half broken wall and the other behind an  old pillar part of the doorway. One of them started the "Stop and Go" Target method where he moved very fast between small cover positions and was very difficult to target, he was probably trying to move towards the refugee tents to get casualties, the Indian soldier had a very small shot time and asked Juan and Bernard to deliberately fire 3 mis-aimed shots, this boosted the insurgents confidence and he took a longer "Stop and Go" time frame, this was enough time for the Indian soldier and he shot the insurgent right on his left shoulder.

The last soldier had gone totally savage by now and started running at an unprecedented pace towards the camp, maybe he was the suicide bomber, it was difficult to find a aim at him from a distance of 800 yards, therefore the Indian soldier aimed his shot at one point and waited for him come at that point, he fired the moment he was 6 feet away from that point, calculating his speed and the bullets deviation and hit a shot on the insurgent's forehead. The insurgency was in control and the day was saved.

"That was awesome mate!, how did you do that?", asked Juan to the Indian soldier.
"Thanks to your Bauguette Breads mate", he smiled as they packed their M-20's after 14 hours of positioning at the building.

The Indian guy was an soldier by the name Lieutenant Colonel Rudra Pratap Gardi, a half Indian, Half Afghan soldier, his father who was also part of the Indian Army Brigadier Fateh Chand Gardi had married his mother Arezu Zadran when he was in erstwhile Soviet occupied Afghanistan part of a delegation, Rudra could speak both Hindi and Pashto, and had been to Afghanistan several times. This time he was part of a the United Nations Peace Keeping Force which had been installed as part of the War on Terror agenda by America.

The story suffices one Installment of the life of an Indian spy running a counter Proxy war, not every spy wears blazers/Tuxedos, drives flashy cars with Flashy Gadgets, dates the enemy's girlfriend, he has to sometimes live in the most drastic situations in drastic parts of the world for years, sometimes even without an Aim.

Thursday 2 July 2015


"SelfieWithDaughter: This one will haunt him for ever" - Nishrin Jafri

"Careful before sharing #Selfiewithdaughter" with #LameduckPM". He has a record of stalking daughters. -Kavitha Krishnan

Last week India witnessed a tsunami of twitterati and Facebook users posting beautiful pictures with their daughters, out of my curiosity i clicked on the hashtag "Selfiewithdaughter"and it took me into a different world. Men, women, children from all walks of life from India and also from other parts of the world posted pictures with their daughters to show support for the campaign. Do check out the hashtag and it is bound to melt your heart.

But as it always happens Narendra Modi's campaign has to be criticized by some one and link it to 2002 riots to get mileage it happened over again.

To start off India currently has a sex-ratio of 918 for every 1000 males which has deteriorated from 927 in 2001, Narendra Modi launched Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao yojana this year in January..But as  common sense would say allocating 150 crores cannot really change the fortune of the 2000 abortions that happen in India each day, so our beloved Prime Minister spoke to the people of India via Man Ki Baat and asked people to share pictures with their daughters, WHY?

1) From a marketing perspective it brings awareness about the campaign. 2) It brings a sense of pride among people while touching hearts . 3) It makes people realize hard facts of life.

Of course it cannot boost the sex-ratio in a day or a year, it gave our minds fodder to think how beautiful it is to witness a girl child sprout from a baby to a woman. But as we know fools exist everywhere so it did and women like Kavitha Krishnan and Shruti Seth hurled abuses and when people retaliated blamed the Indian society.

Dear Kavitha Krishnan/Shruthi Seth,

Women have not be suppressed for ages by men but by the society. First of all you calling the campaign good for nothing was a shame tag on all those who took active part in it and must have taken pride in picturing with their daughters. You cannot go around calling the Prime Minister of India who has been elected democratically by the choice of people a "Duck Face" for a campaign that supports women like you. While i totally agree that people who abused and threatened you was something that was wrong, if you were sober enough you would realize that those who abused you weren't  RSS or BJP hooters but common people like you and me.

You first took a public platform to condemn a national campaign on women empowerment imagining yourself as a savior and when people responded(In a wrong way must say) you called them Hindutva activists, RSS mongers, if this isn't called "Desiring publicity" then what is it?. If you really thought selfies cannot bring in a change in this country you should have had Strong reasons for it. Reasons like Modi doesn't have a daughter himself or the 2002 riots do not stand credibility it only shows your Communist Affiliation(Kavitha Krishnan is a CPI-ML activist).You also ended the whole saga by declaring whether is it wrong to be a feminist in India. Well it is wrong to be a feminist in any country, it is about being an "Equalist" keeping in line with feminism.

Kavitha Krishnan's Blog :

Shruti Seth's Blog :

Saturday 9 May 2015

Why Bhaii deserves jail!!!

Fans say : One case can't take away from him what he genuinely is, a real hero, A true human being, what about all the lives he's saved, he's somebody who's spent half his life helping others and bringing smiles to them.

Extremists say : He was arrested because he is a muslim and the government is under "MODI". (Crappy Logic).

Moderates say : We know he is wrong, but all our prayers are with him..

Now, if you look at Salman Khan about 10 years back when he wasn't known for his "Being Human" image, he was this guy who killed Chinkaras, pulled a woman out of her shoot with her hair(Mind you he deserves 20 years of capital punishment only for this), calls up a guy randomly about 50 times during 6 hours continuously, apart from his numerous other fights and brawls. Why?? Coz he is the Bhaii of Bollywood?..

Then About 7-8 years back he hires a new PR team, creates the "Being Human" image, does charity, socializes more with the Bollywood and Political elite, while the new Indian generation sees it all and comes out in support for Bhaii. In the meanwhile no News agency or channel ever reported about his case or tantrums or the bodyguard when it could have been sensational news for them, why?? Coz your Bhaii has good contacts at the media level.

Common we are all better than that!

The problem is we as Indians are very emotional and filmy, the issue is if we like someone we are ready to ignore his Bad deeds. Accept it! He is a murderer, he drove his vehicle on 2 folks who had no clue about it and no amount of Good work can bring back their souls. If you have any idea about the Indian Penal code, the punishment for 1 murder or death amounts to 14 years, the punishment for drunken driving is 4 years, while without license plus drunken driving adds another year.
Therefore while 2 deaths + Drunken driving+ no license gets you 33 years of imprisonment he barely got 5 years of it. Blame that on his good deeds or his high paying lawyers.

My point is simple, just because he is part of the Entertainment industry its unfair if he gets support and gets away from the law, he might be the King of Hit films, might run an NGO but no Hero stands above the Law. That happens only in movies.

Waise bhi the day he comes back from jail he would get a Bharat Ratna status from his fans anyways!

Monday 23 March 2015

Every Girl has a Super Woman in her..

"A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy", Mukesh Singh.

“If my daughter or sister engaged in pre-marital activities and disgraced herself and allowed herself to lose face and character by doing such things, I would most certainly take this sort of sister or daughter to my farmhouse, and in front of my entire family, I would put petrol on her and set her alight.”, A.P Singh.

These are the set of lines I've come across over the past few days in the infamous documentary "India's Daughter". I saw a Hindi News report which showed that more rapes happen in U.S/U.K, so why is India being blamed, and as usual the Indian Media, Politicians, Activists, Actors entered into fray giving their opinion on what it tarnishes India's Image, a West back conspiracy theory, debates on whether it should or it shouldn't have been banned forgetting one underlying fact. 


To start of Rape happens in every country, every corner of this harsh planet irrespective of caste, creed, religion,city, irrespective of the fact that you are a North Indian, South Indian, Hindu, Muslim,Christian,White, Black, Cosmopolitan, Villager so stereotyping Khaps, Jats, U.P/Biharis will not solve the problem. We Indians definitely are the best at it, passing the blame over to some one else and saying "Maine tho nai kiya, ye log hi humesha karte hai".

If we take a look at the History of any civilization and see what is the oldest form of business that is still in practice??It wouldn't be Blacksmith or Goldsmith's but rather "Flesh Trade" or "Female Exploitation" is the oldest form of Business. You name one medieval army that did not take women as "bounty", and I swear you would see shocking results. The Vedas say this is the era of Kalayuga where sins are at their peak.

So whom should we really blame for it today? Wars don't happen today and women have rights.
Ask yourself is Rape the only form of Female Exploitation??.
How many of us have witnessed Underpaid women laborers during construction or any laborious work? (Women Laborers,Maids, staff are paid less for the same job)
How many educated Indian Men, Mother-in-laws, Father-in-Laws can give up on DOWRY during marriages?(I know people who become Engineers, IT professionals, Doctors ONLY to get more dowry).
How many of us witness Eve-teasing right in front of us and ignore it because its none of our Business?.
How many of us let our Female partners do what she really wants to?.
How many working professionals put all the house-hold chore burden on their working wife?.
How many of us Judge a Woman based on her clothes?(Both Men and women are responsible)

And it is really not only men exploiting, there are a significant number of women to be blamed for female exploitation as well, Women who don't help other women in danger, women who stop men from helping others in danger, Women who stereotype other women based on Physical attributes of beauty.

I also believe segregating or monitoring Men and Women will not do the job, placing 10,000 cameras in Delhi or drone cameras would cause Moral Policing, segregating Men and Women in Buses/Trains would only give people a reason to exploit women later. 

So all in all its our society, our thinking that should change, rather than our black dot of shame display picture. I believe a woman is that part of your life that can make the Rambo in you become a Raj of DDLJ(A mother/sister/wife can blossom that soft spot in you). And if the Lakshmi in your house isn't happy she ain't knocking on your door.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Arranged Indian Marriages vs JEE

"Boy should get married before 28 and girl before 25, else it creates problems"

"We spent 19 Lakhs on our daughter's dowry and 2 Lakhs on the marriage functions"

"I wish to save my hair till the day i get married, I don't mind loosing it the very next day"

These are some of the things I have heard off-late from people around and it makes me wonder how we Indians think about marriages. Surprisingly even in the 21st century, Marriage is not an institution, its a "Race", every community has that most eligible bachelor of the talking town who has a 7 figure package, US-visa and that 35 year-old looking face on a 26 year old birth certificate because he slogged it off getting up to that level. Every community also has that 26 year old brat who is yet to prove himself and is taunted by Uncle's about what he is really up to these days!?.

Arranged Marriages today can be easily quoted as When the boy's family meets the girls family, the boy's family likes the girl's family and they live happily ever after. Now I am really not against marriages or arranged marriages, my point is simple,"Why create a race?".

Yes I call it a race, just like IIT-JEE or AIEEE exams where seats are allocated based on rank and quota. Similarly in arranged marriages for Boys, your Annual Package is your Rank and your caste and family wealth are your quota. For girls your caste and family wealth is your rank while your annual package and beauty is your quota.
Consequences of the Race:
A recent survey states that over the past four years the divorce rate in Delhi, has almost doubled and is projected to be 32000 by the year 2020. In 2013, Bangalore, the IT hub of India it was recorded that 3,246 cases of divorce were filed in the court that pertain to the IT sector exclusively. It has been estimated Mumbai has shot up to 7,138 in 2014 while cities that are acknowledged for their cultural richness and social values like Kolkata and Chennai, are no less behind. Agro based states like Punjab and Haryana are now seeing an increase of 150% of divorce rate since the last decade. Kerala, known to be the most literate state has experienced an increase of divorce rate by 350% in the last 10 years. 

The reason is simple, we have become more dynamic, financially stable and less tolerant towards so called "CRAP" in a relationship. Women have evolved now, they do not marry after doing matriculation in "Household" which was a norm 50 years back, a modern woman wishes to have a husband who can give her time, is sensitive and responsible. In 2015, you cannot confine a woman to household chores 365 days a year and expect her to be happy.

The problem i feel lies in the search criteria for marriages, no Indian would tick on the "Sportsman" occupation section for searching groom/bride, horoscope and being a manglik is given more priority than what the actual person really is. Ask any sensible astrologer and he will tell you Horoscope and Nav Grahas(9 planets) are just an Indicator, it doesn't define what the person really is, it just indicates.

You are first judged based on your religion, caste, language, package, family background, Veg-Nonveg and then other superficial characteristics such as Complexion, height, hair, smoke/alcohol and to add cherry on top of it if the boy/girl touches elders feet he is considered having Values(Sanskari Dude). Marriage is supposed to be a connect, a connection of two souls that vow by the holy fire-god to live together and respect each other forever till eternity. If marriages were really made in heaven, God would definitely not try to match such stuff. 

So Who is Gurpreet Subramaniam??

"Do not roam in the Sun, you will become dark like a madrassi", said a grandmother calling out to her 7 year old grandson.

"So you are from Mizoram, which language do you speak there Japanese or Chinese?", s Gujrati Aunty asked a young Mizo who was just too embarrassed to reply and ignored her.

"We want to separate from Andhra Pradesh because their women do not have character", a young Pro-Telangana friend of mine told me once.

"These Bohri's will submit their daughters and wife before that nymphomaniac Aga Khan if he asks", said a muslim friend referring to Aga Khan's visit to India.

Racism runs deep within us Indians apart from the cultural, regional, linguistic and caste barriers already persistent, these were just few of the incidents I came across at some point of time in my life.
So when and how exactly did it start?. Our scriptures set Varnas for people of each working community and your caste was based on Karmah i.e; the work that you do rather than by birth. We Indians took it a step ahead and over the years caste barriers sprouted in the society and became a social evil, No scripture tells us to differentiate among castes or look down upon people of different castes.

Another wave of change in thinking came after the British came to India, post First War of Independence 1857 which initiated from a sepoy mutiny with the theory of Aryan vs Dravidian inscribed in our minds. Now Britain, if we think about it, is barely the size of TamilNadu or Chattisgarh which are the 10th and 11th largest states in India, though they were technologically superior to us owing to the Industrial Revolution in Europe, they lacked the manpower to fight the Indian Empire which was distributed into a large number of princely states. We always blame the British for their "Divide and Rule" policies, but for once we fail to think that our society was, is so subtle that the fabric can be broken any day along religious or caste barriers.

The British taught us that North Indians owing to their fairer complexion are Aryans and South Indians owing to their slightly darker complexion are Dravidians and we believed it, just based on the color. They also taught us that Dravidians were the actual inhabitants of India, Aryans came here from Europe, waged a war and drove them towards south of India. I learnt this theory at school and my mind you if not for the Exams i consider this theory Utter Garbage. There are reasons behind is, the first being Not all Aryans are white and not all Dravidians are Dark, Simple!!!. If you don't believe me just open your eyes and look at people around. I am a second generation Punjabi living in Hyderabad and i can clearly see the advent of pigment change with each generation of my family. Its simple as you move close to the equator heat increases and affects your skin, there is nothing North Indian or South Indian or Aryan/Dravidian about it.

The second reason which makes me feel that this theory is a Hoax, is the fact that Aryan languages are perceived to be Indo-European while Dravidian languages are presumed to be more Sanskrit based, what i call another Victorian Bullshit. If Aryans really fought a battle with Dravidians, the word "Arya" in Telugu/Kannada/Malyalam/Tamil would definitely not mean Righteous, the word has been used since Mahabharata and Ramayana referring to a Righteous person. Several 1000 words such as Vaar(Day),Natya(Dance),Vrat(Fasting) mean the same across all Indian languages, now if Vrat becomes Vratamu in South India that doesn't make it a different genealogy.

There is no proof of the war between Aryans and Dravidians, if Aryans were outsiders why would the adapt the same religion, same caste system, same gods, same religious practices, same attire(Yes, Lungi is worn across India), Apart from the fact that this theory was given by a uneducated Bishop Robert Caldwell in his book "A Political and General History of the District of Tinnevely", who spent his entire life time in Tirunalvelli. This theory was also proved wrong in the 1960s, when genetic anthropologist Stanley Marion Garn proved that the entirety of the Indian subcontinent to be a "race" genetically distinct from other populations.

Nevertheless the Aryan-Dravidian myth did its job, it created barriers between troops in North and South India, when Indians were sent to Andaman and Nicobar they fought among themselves because of the North-South gap, Gandhiji spent his lifetime joining us as Indians(Sachin Tendulkar binds us better), DMK was formed which calls Ram a North Indian and Ravan a south Indian(Now even gods were divided into North and South), DMK also wanted "Dravidanadu", abolishment of Hindi language and raised a Anti-Brahamin sentiment. Bollywood has always shown south indians as loud, Dhoti-clad, dark people with long names and South Indian movies depict North Indians(especially Biharis) as Kurta-Pyjama clad gangsters. Objective fulfilled!

All this so called "Gyan" just proves a simple fact that we Indians cannot see the beauty of other cultures, a website like could have been successful only in India. We are so racist that none of our sub-continent neighbors like us. SriLankans think we are power Egoistic(We helped them with 1Lakh Troopes), Bangladeshi's fight with us over water and territory(We helped them in their freedom), Nepali's think we are fake(They claim we fake that we are the land of birth of Buddhism and we depend on their Gorkha Regiments), Maldives(We gave them Trinkat aircrafts, rescued them from PLO-Telam, gave them water) doesn't care much about us, Pakistan doesn't need a mention.

I dream of an India where cultures can be mutually respected, cultures depict our heritage, where religion,caste, creed, gender are treated with dignity(Sant-Banta, Bihari Jokes, Marwari jokes are fine unless you start taking them literally). Our movies show foreigners coming to our country and falling in love with our culture because they have been taught to respect cultures, when we go to other countries we boast of our land and heritage which is good but in our heads we keep thinking about them as people with no culture.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Who really spoilt our Baba's?

"I am ready to believe in God if baba can answer one simple question of mine", quoted a stand-up comedian.
"How does the chain or the watch magically brought by the BABA have a "Made in China" label on it and where is the warranty card for the Watch/Chain?."

I laughed it off then with a sense of slight embarrassment that such Baba's bring to our religion.
Recently I watched the movie "PK" which was also in the news off late for protests by right winged organization who termed the movie being "Anti-Hindu".

"Being Baba" is what i call it, has evolved to become a cult-status, providing lots of fodder to Humorists, be it Baba Nityananda or Asaram Bapu or Baba Ramdev, Nirmal Baba or the recent Guru Ram Rahim Singh, you are bound to find a mockery of them in movies or comedy shows. So i questioned myself , What really happened?, What could have caused  the rise and fall of such God-men?. Why is it that we believe in such Baba's so blindly and when they fail we criticize them?.

The answer lied in the famous portrayal of "Nataraj" by Lord Shiva, Now Lord Shiva is responsible for destruction of the three worlds on dooms-day, if you see any of his Nataraj forms you will find its right foot on a Baby, the left hand represents blessings, right hand represents being patient, left leg in the air represents balance and right foot represents conquering IGNORANCE.

Ignorance has been defined multiple times in our vedas, which can also lead one to the path of destruction and eventually Hell. When we go to a Baba, we expect him to read our palm, understand our problems, seek guidance,provide a solution and we present them with gifts, just like a Doctors appointment. While if that's what we really want, why don't we go to a Psychiatrist? He does the same job, our problem is we expect from the Baba's everything, we expect them to be super-hero's literally, we expect them to know Astrology, Medicine, Psychology while expecting them to miraculously gift a chain or vibhuti or any other gift.

Our scriptures state God is of the Ultimate form, he is the most beautiful, most powerful, most appealing, most infinite, most eternal thing that ever exists. Check Psalm 115:3 in Bible or the first chapter of Srimad Bhagvatam or the first Chapter of Sri Gurugranth Saheb(Akal Purakh

), all of them quote the same thing about God's beauty and power. This should make us question ourselves, should god have to really pull out a chain or a stone to prove himself as god?. That is too Shallow according to God's standards. He is God, not a road side magician.

Our Expectation is what spoils the Baba's of the society, I believe in Idol worship, but Personality worship or Personification worship i believe is wrong. We all know "Bharat Mata" or Telugu Talli, after bifurcation Telangana Talli, to be logical they don't exist, Bharat Mata is just a representation, she doesn't exist anywhere, its just a form given to our land which we use to worship our mother land.I can respect Bharat Mata as my mother country, but i really cant worship her and claim worshiping God, because its wrong, such wrong representations of worship and not respect have lead to temples of Sachin, Rajnikanth, Actress Khushbu have created an empire of 330 Million Gods and Goddesses. They are mortals, they feel pain, respecting your Teacher/Guru is fine but you cant worship and claim your path to heaven/Moksha obviously.

There are other Baba's like Osho, who received more followers once they went out of the country,which has lead to people around the world like Henry Ford, Julia Roberts, George Harrison, Richard Thompson adopting our religion, because they understood the spirituality that lies beneath it. Had such Baba's been in India, they would have spent their life hood receiving questions of  "When will i get married?" or "Will i ever get a chance to go out of country?".

My point is simple, we spoilt the Baba's, we gave them an advantage in life, we gifted them, we gave them a larger than life status and like normal human beings when they took it to another level we blamed them and said "Ye Baba-waba sab dhongi hothe hai".

Friday 30 January 2015

See a Singh, Salute a Singh

There is a reason behind BORDER being one of my favorite movies, apart from the Guns, Tanks, the Valor, Splendid fight scenes, Sunny Deol  I always thought there is something that sets this movie apart . I must have watched the movie about a 1000 times, and would prefer it over DDLJ, KKHA, 3 Idiots or any other Cult movies people of my generation relish, this was until one day I came across a military tank(U.S made T-59) in the cantonment area about 3 kms from my place. The memorial plate read "Captured by the 23rd Battalion, Punjab Regiment from the pursuing Pakistani Forces at the Battle of Longewala on 8th December, 1971"

I realized to the shock of my life that it was in fact a real story, something like that had actually happened in reality, so i did what every one does out of curiosity, I googled it. The wikipedia page on the Battle of Longewala states Indian strength was 120 soldiers as compared to a Pakistani strength of 2000 soldiers with a backed up tank regiment of 45 tanks and a mobile infantory. Wow! That's a ratio of 17 enemy soldier for every Indian soldier, now this is reality, the movie "300" was a Myth something which may or may not have happened, but this is well documented reality, which was acknowledged by 2 Governments. I had read somewhere once that General Tikka Khan had once stated that "Give us all the Sikh Battalions you have and we will conquer India in 2 days". Now I knew why, 120 soldiers, fighting in a desert against a heavily outnumbered ratio, What would they be thinking? Did they have moments of fear? Did they think for a second what would happen if something happened to them, who would take care of their families?

Our Vedas state "War" brings destruction and should only consorted as the last resort, but War sometimes also gets the best in you, something, some power which one is not aware of, it teaches us to stand for our self , our country, our values, My grandmother has mentioned a story several times that several of our ancestors died saving the life of the 9th Sikh Guru, Guru Tej Bahadur(I don't claim any authenticity over it).

Just like the movie, Major Kuldeep Singh Chandpuri led the charge of 120 Men at Longewal, the attackers indeed had the same plan of "have breakfast at Longewala, lunch at Jaisalmer and dinner at Jodhpur", poor thing they had to run after the breakfast. Another similar aspect was the fact that Lieutenant Dharamveer with 20 soldiers was sent to monitor the enemy party, a job well done. Another similar account was the fact that the Indian Army did layout anti-tank mines intelligently to counter the invasion, it took the Pakistani Army 2 hours to realize that the mines were only superficial and very few in number. 

The Best part of the movie i liked was the confrontation between Major Kuldeep Singh and the opposition party led by Ghulam Dastagir(AKA Lahore da Mashoor Gunda), who asks him to surrender right away or keep the holy priest on standby so that he can perform his last rights. Major Kuldeep Singh replies back by calling him a filthy animal and by stating that only time has the right answer whether his last Ardas would be read or Ghulam Dastagir's inn all illah (Muslim Prayer) would be offered. In reality the attack occurred at 12:30 AM, killing 5 camels and was responded with Pakistan loosing 3 of its American sponsored tanks, Indians were smart enough to use this opportunity to attack the opposing army aiming by the light from the fire and  creating chaos due to the smoke from the fire.

By noon the next day, the assault ended completely, having cost Pakistan 22 tanks, claimed destroyed by aircraft fire, 12 by ground anti-tank fire, and some captured after being abandoned, with a total of 100 vehicles claimed to have been destroyed or damaged in the desert around the post. Now That was a Smart sweep indeed! Indian army lost 2 soldiers, one of them died while planting the land mines. Pakistani army lost 200 soldiers and in the next 8 days half its territory.

All in all, this small battle teaches us a lesson, a lesson that teaches us what Sunny Deol claims as a thin line between Love for the Nation(Watan-Parsati) and Craziness while he stands on the LOC. Most of us life a simple life which is confined to parents, friends, career, life partner, booze, money but life is so much beyond these confined limits, Life is about getting the "High", Sunny deol gets on standing alone at the border and coming back alive.